
Wheel Installation

Today, we began to add wheels, gears, and axles to our chassis. Our cart is nearly complete, and we hope to have our basic chassis up and running by the end of the week.

In addition, we have introduced minor design changes to our chassis to properly support our motors.


Chassis Redesign and Door Construction

We've redesigned our chassis to be lighter, as well as shorter in order to comply with both FTC standards and our scissor lift idea.
In addition, we've finished installing the walls of our cart, and are working on the locking front door.


Basic Chassis Construction and Cart Progress

Today, our team constructed a basic chassis reminiscent of last year's basic "squarebot" design, as a placeholder. We also amassed a small collection of supplies, and drilled some holes in our cart, to properly mount it's wooden walls.


Constructing our Cart

Today, our group began construction of the cart with which we'll store our materials. We cut plywood into squares that will fit evenly on the cart, while securing our parts.


Early Brainstorming Sessions

Today we discussed the nature of the blocks featured in this year's competion, and contemplated a few potential methods of moving them. We were thinking of using a pitchfork of sorts, with an additional mechanism to remove the blocks once they are in place. A reverse scissor lift was also consdered, it would lift the robot itself up to the pendulums, where it will deposit the blocks. In order for this to be viable, we will have to focus on making our robot light, but functional, potentially 3D printing nonstructural components.


Welcome to our Development Blog!

Hello! Welcome to our team's development blog for our VEX robotics program. This year, we are working towards completion FTC's Block Party challenge. Our team consists of Jacob, Chris, Nick, and Daniel, follow our blog for bi-weekly updates on our progress!