
Weekly Goals (12/9 - 12/13): Defeat is Always Momentary

Today, we resolved to finally get graded on the challenges. Our robot was to autonomously put a cube in one of four randomly chosen boxes, then switch to a manual control program and put a cube in the remaining three boxes, then climb up the ramp and use the claw to hang from a bar. We knew that the motor controlling the string and its axle had a bad connection, so we tightened that.

Unfortunately, when we made our first official attempt, the string got tangled with the claw when it rose for the Autonomous. So by the time we had failed our first attempt and quickly untangled the string, we were all out of class time. Needless to say, we will try again tomorrow.


Weekly Accomplishments (12/6) - We're ready!

Although we tried many different things in ROBOTC, we couldn't get the Manual Control and any of the Autonomous modes to work within the same program. Some things we did would get us close (the light on the brain indictating a remote control connection would come on), but we couldn't operate the robot manually. After discussing a number of possibilities, we decided to preform a brain swap as a last resort.


Thankfully for us, the brain worked and we can now operate the robot manually. The Autonomous modes and the Manual Control are still segregated, but we will still be allowed to display the working Autonomous program, then quickly get on a computer to switch to Manual Control for the other challenges.



Weekly Goals (12/2 - 12/5) - Tweaking the code, bumper switch addition

We now have a bumper switch, and Chris has made some modifications to the code so that when the bumper switch is not pressed, the robot operates in manual control. But when it is pressed, the robot will carry out its Autonomous program, then revert back to manual control. We're running into some issues with the remote control connecting to the robot that we hope to have straightened out by the end of the week.