
Weekly Goals (11/12 - 11/15): Robot Pull-up and ROBOTC

As explained last week, we are still taking on two things at once: the robot pull-up challenge and the cube-placement challenges. The robot pull-up challenge will be finally attempted on the same day as the other challenge, and it doesn't require any Autonomous, so we'll be ready for that when our robot can physically do it (enough torque, sturdy axles, etc).

The cube-placement challenge is already halfway-completed. We've tested our claw without any Autonomous and it preformed sufficiently. All that's left to do is to program the Autonomous. Starting from a fixed location in the arena, our robot automatically place in a cube in one of four randomly chosen boxes on the balancing beam. I will write up four programs on ROBOTC, one for each box, and when the chosen box is revealed, we'll take a few minutes to load the respective program onto the robot's brain and then trigger it via bumper switch in the arena.

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